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Agon - Laravel Multipurpose Agency Script

Agon - Laravel Multipurpose Agency Script v1.14.2

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Agon – Laravel Multipurpose Agency Script

Agon is a multipurpose Agency, Startup template based on Laravel framework 9.x. This template includes a lot of pre-designed layouts for home page and inner pages to give you best selections in customization.

You can avoid expensive web development and minimize your design costs using Agon – Multipurpose Agency Laravel script.

We used styled-components and carefully created custom components so that we don’t have to sacrifice performance. The styled component also provides an easy way to change the appearance of the entire website.

Designed on grid system, your site will look sharp on all screens. Mobile optimized design based on user experience, bring the best shopping experience for your customers.

We have a dedicated support center for all of your support needs. It includes our Documentation and Ticket system for any questions you have. We usually get back to you within 12-24 hours.

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  1. Agon - Laravel Multipurpose Agency Script

    [H3 id='Version+1.14.0++Feb+23+2024']Version 1.14.0 – Feb 23, 2024[/H3] - Fix email rules when...
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