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Advanced Ads Pro + Addons v2.25.2

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  • Author Author KodeBlend
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Take advertising on your WordPress website to a new level with the world’s most powerful ad manager plugin. Start growing your profits with expert-grade optimization tools today.

Place ads in positions with the highest attraction​

Increase your income by giving your ads the attention they deserve. Get more placements, allowing you to show ads in the positions that generate the most attention, e.g., as refreshing ads in the middle or at random places in the content, between posts on archive pages, in ad grids, as parallax ads, or as background ads.

Increase your revenue by precise targeting​

Get more display and visitor conditions to target ads based on parameters like geolocation, URL referrer, user role, browser language, keywords, specific cookies, number of previous ad or page impressions, and more to gain income.

Use frequency capping to meet the requirements of your networks and ad refresh for more ad attraction.

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