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Active eCommerce Auction Add-on

Active eCommerce Auction Add-on v2.1

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Note: Active eCommerce Auction Add-on isn’t an independent system. This Active eCommerce Auction Add-on is available only for Active eCommerce CMS. If you do not purchase
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Note: After activating this Active eCommerce Auction Add-on system will be available.

Purchase today! & use Active eCommerce Auction Add-on for your eCommerce business which is only developed with the most efficient eCommerce CMS named Active eCommerce CMS. This addon provides auction functionality for ecommerce CMS where admin can create auction products for bidding. Customers can bid in a specific time period and after that a winner is selected based on bid amount

How does it work?​

  • Active eCommerce CMS should be pre-installed in your server
  • Purchase Active eCommerce Auction Add-on for Active eCommerce CMS from codecanyon
  • Download and install the addon to your Active eCommerce CMS addon manager
  • It’s done!
version : 1.7 (11/12/2023)

- Compatible with Active eCommerce CMS version 8.2
  • Untitled.png
    76.1 KB · Views: 1
First release
Last update
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  1. Active eCommerce Auction Add-on

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  2. Active eCommerce Auction Add-on

    version : 1.9 (19/03/2024) - Compatible with Active eCommerce CMS version 8.4 - Minor bug fixing
  3. Active eCommerce Auction Add-on

    version : 1.8 (11/12/2023) - Compatible with Active eCommerce CMS version 8.3 - Important bug...
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