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XF2 [8WR] Database Backup v2.1.0.8

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  • Dropbox: Updated integration to support their new OAuth refresh tokens. Dropbox is getting rid of permanent app tokens; even though their app console still allows you to create new app tokens, they expire after 4 hours. To solve this, the integration has to be changed to get offline refresh tokens.

    After setting your Dropbox Application Key/Secret in the admin CP and clicking save, a new option will appear underneath them with a link to request an authorization access token. Click that link, approve your app to access your Dropbox account, insert the code they give you in the new access token field, click save, and then IMMEDIATELY run a backup as your access token will expire within 15 minutes.

    During this first immediate backup, the integration will fetch a refresh token based on that authorization access token. This refresh token is stored in you XenForo simple cache and never expires.
  • BUG FIX: fixed a macro renderer error. I don't remember what this error was, but apparently I fixed it a year ago and never released the update for it.
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