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WordPress Real Physical Media - Physical Media Library Folders & SEO Rewrites

WordPress Real Physical Media - Physical Media Library Folders & SEO Rewrites v1.5.81 NULLED

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## 1.5.81 (2024-05-10)

**Note:** This package (@devowl-wp/real-physical-media) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.

<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-product-manager-wp-client 1.19.19</summary>

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _A WordPress client for Real Product Manager_
##### Bug Fixes

* delete checkboxes for privacy policy and only print an information for this (CU-861mrzwar)</details>

<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-utils 1.13.3</summary>

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins._
##### Bug Fixes

* delete checkboxes for privacy policy and only print an information for this (CU-861mrzwar)</details>

<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/utils 1.19.3</summary>

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins._
##### Bug Fixes

* do not show admin notice about REST API issues in update admin screen (CU-8694hc398)
* too many requests to license.devowl.io announcements endpoint (CU-86939q6ce)</details>
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