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Slider Revolution - Most Popular WordPress Slider Plugin

Nulled Slider Revolution - Most Popular WordPress Slider Plugin v6.7.15 NULLED

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Version 6.7.15 (10th July 2024)

  • Zone positions on mobile sizes are not calculated well on some slides
  • Vimeo arguments are ignored in SR7 frontend on background videos
  • Perspective is set on layers if they dont have any rotation, breaking fonts on iOS
  • Deep link is not working on carousel layout
  • First alternative slide is not working on any layout in SR7
  • Video with auto height not resized properly
  • Static layers can not be triggered any more by normal layers via actions
  • Video slider are skipping slides if they are set to rewind and switch the slide at the end of the video
  • Content on mobile phones are offsetted after oriention change
  • Video overlay color settings has no effects
  • Images using auto width and height dimensions in columns are not respecting their parent container dimensions

Version 6.7.13 (7th May 2024)

  • Depricated Next Slide on Focus and Disable Blur/Focus behaviour options and introduced new V7 Freeze On Blur option
  • Enable Google Fonts global option does not respect "Disable" and loads
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    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
  • Alternate URL for module is not migrated from SR6 to SR7
  • DeepLink Hash Tags in URl break Modules if they added on 3thd place or later
  • "Next Slide on Focus" and "Disable Blur/Focus Behavior" settings do not affect runtime processing
  • Lottie and BubbleMorph AddOns not working in admin preview due to incorrect layer classes names
  • Mouse Wheel navigation not working when screen size height is smaller than slider height
  • Looping Slide not respecting the End time, but will restart after the last animated frame on timeline
  • Missing background color for layers with background image assigned
  • Global Layers with "auto" height and "%" width may not drawn straight if Module is starting outside of the viewport
  • Loading Modals delayed, via PHP Filters may not set the defult Dimensions correctly on opened Modules
  • Modal shows missaligned and with the wrong dimensions if Modal Module layout set to Auto

Version 6.7.10 (6th May 2024)

  • Touch Swipe is not working on Hoverable and Clickable elements
  • Min Height set on Auto layout also respected on Fullwdith and Fullscreen layouts
  • Post Excerpts Meta {{excerpt}} is not shortened by the slider setting Limit Excerpt in Velocity Engine
  • Images with special Charachters in URL not loading
  • {{link}} meta is not working on slide Tags & Links in Post Based Sliders
  • HTML5 Volume set >1 stops the Module with JS error

Version 6.7.9 (30th April 2024)

  • Media position miscalculated when no aspect ratio is set and aspect ratio unavailable at preload.
  • Permission checks missing for Instagram and Facebook API requests.
  • Potential XSS vulnerabilities due to unescaped output of slider parameters.
  • 'Touchstart' and 'Touchend' behavior on mobile devices differs from SR6.
  • 'mailto:' and 'tel:' simple link actions removed in SR7 frontend.
  • SVGs within 'a' tag layers not respecting parent layer dimensions.
  • Hero Slide fails to initiate if navigation visibility was previously configured.
  • Timeline set to loop through a single frame does not loop in SR7.
  • Elementor backend does not display SR7 Modules in Live Editor.
  • Scroll-based timelines break visually when layout is set to fullscreen and browser height is less than module height.
  • SR7 Frontend loads slower if Modules added via Shortcode, due missing JSON SR7 needs to load per restApi the datas on demand

Version 6.7.5 (19th April 2024)

  • Empty Tag Removal in Text Layers: Empty span and p tags within text layers are removed, despite being used for visual effects or by third-party functions.
  • Image Rendering with Special Characters: Images with special space characters used as background for shapes cause rendering issues in SR7.
  • Gradient and Image Conflict: Elements with both gradient coloring and an image source render only the image, ignoring gradient colors in the frontend.
  • Container Dimension Calculation Error: Container rendering dimensions are incorrectly calculated if module width and height are oversized on desktop level.
  • Video Autoplay Issue in Safari: Unmuted videos fail to start without user interaction on Safari browser.
  • Scroll Timeline Displacement: Modules based on scroll timeline without a fixed position are calculated with oversized height upon initialization, causing incorrect scrolling behavior with Scroll to Id navigation.
  • PanZoom Effect shows the original Image underlaying the Pan Zoom effect, causing a double effect
  • Simple Link and Menu Link forwards to the wrong address based on the different settings
  • Simple and Menu Link fails if target is a simple hash char
  • Slide Background Video loops even option is disabled
  • HTML Export for V7 engine does not export V7 data
  • Formating the WordPress date format in a wrong way can cause the Slider Revolution backend to produce JS errors
  • Image From Stream option produced error when there were no Stream available
  • Global Custom Fonts are not written in V7 engine output

Version 6.7.3 (12th April 2024)

  • Carousel Interaction Issue: Dragging the carousel with a longer delay causes an overjump of the next element if it's already in focus.
  • Rapidly click on Navigation elements makes the Carousel aniamtion stuttering
  • Text Layer Issue: Text layers cannot be selected, even with 'Layer Selectable' enabled in default settings.
  • Video Dimension Issue: HTML5 video elements receive incorrect dimensions on the 2nd and subsequent slides if a fullscreen video exists on the first slide.
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