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Search & Filter Pro – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin + Extensions

Nulled Search & Filter Pro – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin + Extensions v2.5.18

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Search and filter pro

Search & Filter Pro – The Ultimate WordPress Plugin, that allows you to Search & Filter your posts / custom posts / products by any number of parameters allowing your users to easily find what they are looking for on your site, whether it be a blog post, a product in an online shop and more. Users can filter by Categories, Tags, Taxonomies, Custom Fields, Post Meta, Post Dates, Post Types and Authors, or any combination of these easily. It works well with blogs, reviews sites, news sites, property sites and more. It will great for searching in your online shop, also tested with: WooCommerce (+product attributes), WP eCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

Features List:
  1. Create forms to search your posts, products, or any other custom post types in your site.
  2. Add WordPress meta data and taxonomy filters to your site.
  3. Drag and drop interface – makes building and editing forms so much easier.
  4. Use AJAX to display results! No page refreshes. Also power your pagination with Ajax.
  5. Auto Count / Dynamic Count – dynamically update the count values in the search forms as a user is searching to reflect the correct number of terms for the current search.
  6. Modifies the main query, so displaying your results is easy.
  7. Create as many different search forms as you like, and as many results pages as you like.
  8. Display anywhere in your pages or themes using widgets or shortcodes.
  9. Include or exclude tags, categories and taxonomies from your search results.
  10. Available Fields: Search; Tag, Category, Taxonomy – allow users to filter by any combination of these; Post Type; Post Date; Post Meta – allow users to search custom fields/meta data; Author; Sort Order – a field to allow users to sort results by various parameters including meta data.
  11. Frontend UI elements – jQuery date picker, range sliders and comboboxes from Chosen.
  12. Use custom templates for your search results.
  13. I18n ready – translations are planned.
  14. Works with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin – allows you to search with dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons and multiselect even where the meta value is serialized. Essentially, if you are using any of the Basic fields (not text area) or Choice fields then you can filter these in Search & Filter Pro. Date Picker is now also supported provided the date is stored as “yymmdd” as the save option with ACF.
  15. Integrated with WooCommerce – use directly on your shop page, search Product Attributes and Meta across regular products and product variations.
  16. Works with WP eCommerce.
  17. Works with Easy Digital Downloads.
  18. Works with WPML.
  19. Dedicated Support Forum.
  20. 1 Year of Support and Upgrades.

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