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PublishPress Permissions Pro

PublishPress Permissions Pro v.4.0.20

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PublishPress Permissions is our plugin for advanced WordPress permissions. It goes far beyond the options you'll find in the WordPress core.
There are too many features to mention in a short introduction, but here's one example: PublishPress Permissions allows you to customize viewing and editing access for all your content. Open any Post, Page or custom post type, and you'll be able to decide which roles, users or custom groups can view and edit that content.

Custom viewing permissions
PublishPress Permissions allows you to customize viewing access for all your content. Open any Post, Page or custom post type and you'll able to decide which Roles, Groups or Users can view that content.

Custom editing permissions
PublishPress Permissions allows you to customize the editing permissions for all your content. Open any Post, Page, Category, Tag, or custom post type and you'll able to decide who can edit that content.

Content creation permissions
PublishPress Permissions allows you to customize the create permissions for all your content. You can decide who is able to create content for any Post, Page, Category, Tag, or custom post type.

Create custom user groups
PublishPress Permissions allows you to create your own user groups. Imagine you want to choose some users to access a Post. Instead of creating a new user role and applying permissions, you can easily add those users to a group.

Manage Media Library access
PublishPress Permissions gives you detailed control over access to media on your WordPress site. You decide who gets to edit and view files in your Media Library.

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  1. PublishPress Permissions Pro

    Download PublishPress Permissions Pro v4.0.20 Nulled Free v4.0.20 - 4 Mar 2024 * Fixed : PHP...
  2. PublishPress Permissions Pro

    4.0.18 - 22 Feb 2024 * Compat : Elementor - Could not use Elementor front end editor to save a...
  3. PublishPress Permissions Pro

    4.0.17 - 9 Feb 2024 * Fixed : Permissions metaboxes were displayed in post editor for post types...
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