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PixelYourSite PRO - Best Powerful WordPress Plugin for FaceBook

PixelYourSite PRO - Best Powerful WordPress Plugin for FaceBook 10.4.0

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Pixel your site

Thousands of marketers just like you are using our plugins to improve their Facebook campaigns
PixelYourSite PRO: Manage your Facebook Pixel with a few clicks

Over 57000 small business owners are using our plugin to make the most from their Facebook Pixel.
One Click Pixel Install
Custom Audiences Optimization
Events and Dynamic Events
WooCommerce and EDD integration with custom conversion value and Dynamic Ads support
Export a lifetime value WooCommerce or EDD customers file for value based lookalike audiences
Add ANY script with our Head/Footer smart option

Product Catalog Feed for WooCommerce
WooCommerce Facebook Product Catalog feed
WooCommerce Google Merchant feed
NEW: WooCommerce Adwords Remarketing CSV
Auto-refresh option for the XML feed to keep your catalogs updated
Filters, so you only promote the products that you want
Multiple image options, so your ads will always look good
WPML support

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  1. PixelYourSite PRO - Best Powerful WordPress Plugin for FaceBook

    [H3 id='PixelYourSite+Pro+10.4.0']PixelYourSite Pro 10.4.0[/H3] [H3 id='23+July+2024']23 July...
  2. PixelYourSite PRO - Best Powerful WordPress Plugin for FaceBook

    31 May, 2024 Fixing a possible problem with API events triggered by crawlers, or other...
  3. PixelYourSite PRO - Best Powerful WordPress Plugin for FaceBook

    PixelYourSite Pro 10.2.1 28 May, 2024 New option allowing to send user-provided data with Google...
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