Meow Apps - AI Engine

Meow Apps - AI Engine v2.6.6

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= v2.6.6 (2024/11/04) =
* Add: Titles for Conversations. Those titles can be edited by the users.
* Add: The user can also delete the conversations.
* Add: Added default icons when Send and Clear texts are empty.
* Add: Resolution support in the chatbot shortcode.
* Add: AI Discussions Block (and there was already a Chatbot Block if you didn't know).
* Add: mwai_form_takeover filter to override the reply for AI Forms.
* Update: Much smoother flow with the Discussions module.
* Update: Nicer icon for microphone.
* Update: Better (earlier as well) handling of default envs and models.
* Update: Re-organized the Anthropic models.
* Fix: Issue with the Clear button (version 2.6.5).
* Fix: The customId issue when using the Chatbot Block.
* Fix: SQL injection issue in the Discussions module (really minor, as only admins could do it).
* 🎵 Discuss with others about AI Engine on [the Discord](
* 🌴 Keep us motivated with [a little review here]( Thank you!
* 🥰 If you want to help us, we started a [Patreon]( Thank you!
* 🚀 [Click here]( to vote for the features you want the most.
= v2.6.3 (2024/10/13) =
* Add: Support for Assistants via Azure.
* Fix: Site-wide chatbot was considered an override.
* Fix: Fullscreen for chatbot should force the max-width and max-height.
* Update: Gets the models via Replicate much faster.
* Update: Set Replicate to use JPG.
* Update: Architectural improvements for OpenAI Assistants.
* 🎵 Discuss with others about AI Engine on [the Discord](
* 🌴 Keep us motivated with [a little review here]( Thank you!
* 🥰 If you want to help us, we started a [Patreon]( Thank you!
* 🚀 [Click here]( to vote for the features you want the most.
= v2.6.2 (2024/09/18) =
* Add: Support for the new o1 models from OpenAI (preview and mini).
* Fix: A few minor fixes for developers.
* 🎵 Discuss with others about AI Engine on [the Discord](
* 🌴 Keep us motivated with [a little review here]( Thank you!
* 🥰 If you want to help us, we started a [Patreon]( Thank you!
* 🚀 [Click here]( to vote for the features you want the most.
= v2.5.6 (2024/08/21) =
* Add: Support for Replicate. Play with Flux, it's awesome! 🍀
* Update: Better copilot. It now uses the whole post as the context for your copilot queries.
* Add: The copilot can also create images. The actual prompt to create the image is generated through AI, by using the context of the post, and the instructions you provide.
* Add: Logger in the DevTools.
* Update: Better handling of the pricing related to images.
* Update: The template system has been improved and redesigned a bit, so that it can be used in other parts of AI Engine or WordPress at a later point.
* Update: Added middle-out transformer for OpenRouter.
= v2.5.5 (2024/08/05) =
* Add: More efficient and complete translation feature. Check the "Translate Post" button!
* Fix: Avoid using emoji by default in the options related GDPR because it crashes on some installs.
* Fix: Make sure the streaming temporary files are removed.
* Update: Avoid the GDPR to be asked every time.
* Update: Simplified parts of the code, removed potential warnings.
= v2.5.4 (2024/08/02) =
* Add: You can now manually enter the model you would like to use for finetuning.
* Update: Finetuning features in AI Engine has been improved, like the way they are handled, displayed, calculated, etc.
* Fix: Max Messages was missing in the custom shortcode.
* ☀️ If you want to help us, we started a [Patreon]( Thank you!
= v2.5.2 (2024/07/29) =
* Add: New settings related to GDPR. The user will now have to accept conditions before using the chatbot.
* Update: Retrieve content from remote vectors, if needed and if the local ones are not available.
* Fix: Insert the System Message when a new entry is created in the Dataset Generator.
* Fix: Avoid an issue with empty but existing argument with tools.
* Fix: Issues related to buttons/shortcuts and their CSS.
* Fix: Allow having AI Forms without inputs.
* Fix: The Reset Limits issue.
= v2.5.1 (2024/07/25) =
* Add: Option to enable or disable the Virtual Keyboard Fix.
* Update: Much better Default CSS for Custom Theme.
* Fix: Issues related to the Virtual Keyboard Fix.
* Fix: Force the log file to have the .log extension, to avoid security issues.
* Fix: Shortcuts were not pushed by the server-side.
* Fix: The expiration 'Never' was crashing when used with Assistants Upload.
* Update: If DevTools is disabled, all the related debug options are disabled as well.
* 🚀 [Click here]( to vote for the features you want the most.
* 🎵 Discuss with others about AI Engine on [my Discord](
* 🌴 Keep us motivated with [a little review here]( Thank you!
= v2.5.0 (2024/07/23) =
* Update: A better and enhanced copy button, that also now works in forms.
* Update: Improved drag n' drop for chatbot files.
* Update: Forms now use the same CSS as chatbots (you can try Timeless with them).
* Update: New unnecessary icon with Nyao, just for fun!
* Fix: TTS functionality on Android.
* Fix: Some features related to the Magic Wand were broken.
* Fix: The chatbot tabs were a bit clunky.
* Fix: Virtual keyboard hack for a better mobile experience.
* Fix: Various CSS-related issues and additional mobile CSS fixes.
* 🚀 [Click here]( to vote for the features you want the most.
* 🎵 Discuss with others about AI Engine on [my Discord](
* 🌴 Keep us motivated with [a little review here]( Thank you!
= v2.4.9 (2024/07/19) =
* Add: Support for [GPT-4o mini](
* Add: Support for HTML Blocks and Shortcuts (Quick Actions) via MwaiAPI in JS and PHP filters.
* Fix: Better handling of documents, annotations and images created via the OpenAI Assistants.
* Fix: Better CSS for the buttons and the scroll in the chatbot.
* Fix: The MwaiAPI was registering the chatbots twice, and now works in the admin as well.
* Fix: Input Max Length was not handled properly in the chatbot (UTF-8 related).