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Kadence Blocks PRO – Extends Kadence Blocks (Nulled)

Kadence Blocks PRO – Extends Kadence Blocks (Nulled) v2.4.2 NULLED

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== 2.4.2 | 16th July 2024 ==
* Fix: Advanced Slider dotstyle not showing in editor.
* Fix: Custom anchor tags on modals not displaying on front end.
* Fix: Unitless line height on post grid title.
* Fix: Query card selection dropdown overlapping in editor.
* Fix: Query loop language incorrect after filtering when using polylang.
* Fix: Adv Form Mailchimp submissions were not being saved if fields were previously mapped but are no longer.
== 2.3.11 | 18th June 2024 ==
* Add: Post grid toggle to only show posts by author.
* Add: Post grid option to force image to height of container.
* Add: Post grid align options for content and read more text.
* Fix: Inheriting pagination in query loop on archive pages.
* Fix: Query loop input padding.
* Fix: Query loop filter buttons border.
* Fix: Query loop search filter padding in editor.
* Fix: Repeater block compatability in image overlay, modal, post grid, split content, and video popup.
* Fix: Line height in dynamic html block.
* Fix: Post save issue on some very long posts with lots of dynamic content.
* Fix: Field border radius not saving in query loop fields.
== 2.3.8 | 8th May 2024 ==
* Add: Ability to use fields inside ACF group fields as dynamic content.
* Fix: Query loop filters based on post types displaying the slug instead of label.
* Fix: Issue when filtering query loop on Woocommerce attributes.
* Fix: Restrict some site settings from being used in dynamic content.
* Fix: Restrict users without manage_options access from creating dynamic content with options.
== 2.3.7 | 23rd April 2024 ==
* Add: Link to view full changelog on Kadence website.
* Fix: Dynamic HTML typography not applying if repeater field is used.
* Fix: Product carousel in mega menu.
* Fix: Portfolio Grid/Carousel not showing one less post when used in element.
* Fix: Repeater block styles applying to unexpected elements.
* Fix: Swatch filter when the term being used was the default and not specifically selected.
* Fix: Query Loop filter result counts when children are sorted hierarchically.
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