Formidable Forms Pro - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builders

Formidable Forms Pro - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builders v6.16

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= v6.16 =
* New: The sanitizing for layout classes has been updated to allow `[` and `]` characters, enabling the use of basic shortcodes.
* Fix: JavaScript validation would get skipped when a form included an invisible reCAPTCHA field.
* Fix: Nothing would copy when trying to click the icon to copy a style class name.
* Fix: A white element would appear at the bottom of the plugins page.
* Fix: A Cannot read properties of undefined at removeFieldError error has been fixed.
* Fix: Captcha fields would fail to validate in forms with conditional logic that fade in on page load in some cases.
* Fix: Some JavaScript strings were not configured for translations, and a text domain was missing in one case.
* Fix: The font size setting for form descriptions has been added back.
* Fix: Missing for attributes have been added to labels in the visual styler to improve accessibility and user experience.
* Some old browser specific CSS and deprecated CSS has been removed.
* New name fields will now use more descriptive "First Name" and "Last Name" descriptions by default instead of "First" and "Last". This is to help improve accessibility.
* The way assigned style updates are sent when updating global settings has been modified to help avoid conflicts with server input variable limits.
* The function FrmInboxController::dismiss_all_button has been deprecated. In addition, the functions FrmInboxController::menu and FrmInboxController::inbox have been removed.
= v6.15 =
* New: The add-ons page has been redesigned. Now plugins are enabled and disabled using toggles instead of buttons, and plugins can be filtered by category.
* New: Confirmation fields will no longer validate immediately when the main field loses focus, validating now only on form submit and and when the confirmation field is changed.
* New: New email actions will now use new [default-email] and [default-from-email] shortcodes that use email settings defined during onboarding. When these are unavailable, the admin email is used by default.
* Fix: Confirmation fields would not validate with JavaScript when empty, allowing a form to submit with a blank confirmation when the main field had a value set.
* Fix: Backslashes in field format setting would get stripped in some cases when using the setting to Load and save form builder page with AJAX. This would cause regex statements to break.
* Fix: A Trying to access array offset on value of type bool PHP warning when loading the Gutenberg editor with no API data available has been fixed.
= v6.14.1 =
* Security: Extra escaping and sanitizing has been put in place to prevent an XSS vulnerability when setting layout classes for fields in the form builder. This is only an issue if you allow untrusted users to create forms on your website.
* New: When a Name field is mapped to a Stripe action included in this plugin, the (First) and (Last) descriptions are now included in the dropdown option label to make it more clear how the values are mapped.
* New: Redirects have been added to detect dead URLs resulting in permission errors after activating or deactivating the Formidable Views add-on.
* New: Visual styler unit dropdowns now include a blank option. This helps improve support for using CSS variables as input values like var(--font-size-base), where appending additional unit to the value introduces CSS errors.
* Fix: Checkbox styling was not properly getting applied on the edit entry admin page, causing checkboxes to always appear unchecked.
* Fix: A check for invisible fields before rendering CAPTCHA elements added in last update introduced issues in conversational forms. This check has been updated now to check for hidden forms instead of hidden fields to improve compatibility with conversational forms.
* Fix: A flex styling rule would cause HTML code used in checkbox options to appear in a way that doesn't look good.
* Fix: Base font size calculations were occurring too frequently, causing text to become smaller than intended.
* Fix: The box shadow styling value would flip to the opposite of the intended setting on load.
= v6.14 =
* New: The visual styler has gotten a major update. Many components have been redesigned, and a new quick settings page has been added.
* New: The code for moving fields in the builder has been optimized for large forms.
* New: Field keys will now work in place of field ids when creating or updating repeater entries using API actions or when calling FrmEntryMeta::update_entry_metas directly.
* Fix: In some cases it was possible for non-customizable fields such as radio buttons and dropdowns to be used for Akismet guest info.
* Fix: Forms would not duplicate as expected when one of the fields had "description" as a field key value.
* Fix: A fatal error would occur when failing to search for plugins due to internet connection problems.
* Fix: A JavaScript error would occur when trying to validate a read only time field.
* Fix: A Trying to access array offset on value of type bool PHP Warning that could happen in rare edge cases when working in th Gutenberg editor has been fixed.
* Fix: A layering issue would show section fields on top of the pop up for merging fields into groups.
* Fix: Turnstile elements are now only rendered when the field is visible.
* Fix: Some new checkbox and radio button styles were being overwritten by certain themes, resulting in various styling issues.
= v6.11.2 =
* Security: Additional checks have been added to prevent unsafe HTML when using [input] shortcodes. A new frm_input_key_is_safe filter has been added to allow or disallow additional options when required.
* New: Some small accessibility improvements were made on the Import/Export admin page.
* Fix: A width limit has been removed from admin page h1 tags to help avoid issues with translated page titles that overflow their expected space.
* Fix: The prompt to name your form will no longer pop up on save if the form already has a name set.
* Fix: Additional checks have been added to prevent warnings while onboarding when using a Plus license.
* Fix: Save draft buttons would remain disabled after a look up was completed, or after a file was uploaded.
* Fix: Scripts were not loading properly on a few pages, causing issues with editing an Application and with some features in the Legacy Views editor.
* Fix: HTML entities are now decoded when used for phone format validation to prevent issues where & is converted to & for the regex check.
* Fix: Email summaries would include repeater forms in the top 10 list.
* Fix: Some entries lists would appear empty in some cases where item meta is stored using 0 as a field ID value.
* Fix: The wrong variable was sent to the frm_trigger_create_action filter, preventing access to some expected data.
* Fix: Several incorrect text domains and untranslatable strings have been corrected.
* The function FrmFieldType::get_select_atributes has been deprecated because of a typo in its name.
* Several old deprecated view files have been removed.
= 6.11.1 =
* New: Screen reader text has been updated on some admin pages to improve accessibility.
* New: Hover styling has been updated for modal close icons to improve user experience.
* Fix: The way Popper scripts are registered have been updated to help avoid a new conflict introduced in a recent WP Bakery update.
* Fix: The reCaptcha settings name was missing in a global settings string.
* The minimum supported version of Formidable Pro has been bumped to version 6.0.
* The function FrmAddonsController::is_license_expiring has been deprecated.
= 6.9.1 =
* New: Some data used for field settings is now stored in memory and reused in order to significantly improve performance in the form builder for forms with a lot of fields.
* Fix: Rootline and progress bar elements would not appear when using some position settings with the new submit button field.
* Fix: An invalid argument supplied for foreach() error has been fixed when truncating unexpected values.
* Fix: Submit button fields were appearing by mistake in WooCommerce products.
* The parser for serialized string data has been optimized to be approximately 30% faster than before.
* Some old deprecated code has been removed including the FrmPointers and FrmDbDeprecated classes, FrmAppHelper::sanitize_array, FrmAppHelper::expiring_message, and several methods in FrmEntryValidate.php.
* Old polyfill code for supporting old versions of Internet Explorer have been removed from front end JS, reducing file size.
= 6.9 =
* New: A new onboarding wizard has been added to help improve the initial set up process.
* New: Submit buttons can now be dragged in the form builder like a field. The submit button may be dragged into the last row beside fields.
* New: data-invmsg and data-reqmsg HTML attributes used for JS error validation are no longer included for hidden fields by default to help reduce the amount of HTML required for a form. A new frm_field_validation_include_data_attributes filter has been added to modify the default behaviour.
* Fix: A fatal error would occur on the visual styler page if the API request for style templates had failed.
* Fix: The shortcode list has been updated for calculation field options so field IDs are now still visible for fields with long names.
* Fix: The sortable indicators were missing for the forms and entries list pages. The accessibility of the sorting indicators has also been improved.
* Fix: A confirmation field wouldn't validate with JS when left empty.
* Fix: Tooltips will be deleted now after an action is deleted to fix an issue with old floating tooltips.