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eShop Web - eCommerce Single Vendor Website | eCommerce Store Website

eShop Web - eCommerce Single Vendor Website | eCommerce Store Website v4.4.0

No permission to download
( updated on 10 Sept 2024 )

+ [Added] - Users now receive push notifications for items left in their cart
+ [Added] - Added support for applying multiple tax rates to products.
+ [Added] - A new "Buy Now" button is available for quick checkout
+ [Added] - Admins can now download product data in bulk.
+ [Added] - Zip code data can now be downloaded in bulk by admins.
+ [Added] - Enabled the option to delete multiple media files at once.
+ [Added] - Admins can now delete multiple zip codes simultaneously.
+ [Added] - Added Native link for share item
+ [Added] - Introduced web push notifications for desktop users.
+ [Improved] - Various bug fixes and performance improvements

Version 4.3.0

( updated on 12 June 2024 )

+ [Updated] - updated firebase cloud notifications from legacy FCM APIs to HTTP v1
+ [Updated] - Updated theme
+ [updated] - Improvement in web mobile view
+ [updated] - Code optimization and improvement in loading speed
- [Improved] - Minor bugs have been resolved.
(updated on 15-May-2024)

+ [Added] New Promocode animation when Promocode is applied successfully
+ [Modified] Product FAQs can be viewed without needing to login for customers
+ [Improved] UI/UX of Customer application
+ [Improved] Phone number validator in forgot password
+ [Improved] Code structure by removing unnecessary code and api-parameters
+ [Fixed] Price range filter for product list page
( updated on 19-Mar-2024 )

+ [Added] Dynamic option to choose the deliverability checking either via city or zipcode
+ [Added] Added Buy now functionality
+ [improvement] Made whole Compatible with PHP version 8.3
+ [improvement] Added an option to set the price decimal dynamically
+ [improvement] Improvement in price total issues
+ [improvement] Added "Add Address" feature in checkout page.
+ [improvement] improvement in authentication
+ [Fixed] Bugs fixes and code improvements

Version 4.1.0​

( updated on 09 Feb 2024 )

+ [Introduced] - Introduced chat feature in customer web interface for direct communication with administrators and system users, enhancing user experience and customer support.
+ [Introduced] introduced Whats App ordering, enabling convenient product purchases via the popular messaging platform
+ Implement Implemented reordering feature, enabling users to easily reorder previously placed orders with minimal effort.
[Resolve] Resolved various bugs and issues to improve overall system stability and performance.
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