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Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders v3.1.2

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October 13, 2024 - v3.1.2
This release was packaged up to coincide with the release of our official Textures & Overlays demo video to ensure users who want to experiment with that feature have all the same options available to them.
Support for Using Textures as Overlays
Additional Texture/Overlay Features & Enhancements
Conditionally Load Code for Textures & Overlays
Specificity Adjustments for Heading/Link Styles in Color Relationships
October 11, 2024 - v3.1.1
Small hotfix mainly to fix specificity issues related to default heading styles.
Add missing "related color relationship" fields for Texture 2 & 3
Fix a specificity issue with default heading styles
October 3, 2024 - v3.0.16
Feature: External Link Indication (v1)
Fixed GDPR checkbox styling in Fluent Forms
Use of * selector in textarea inputs is now possible
Enhanced automated testing protocols for better build-time error identification
Fixed smart spacing in Gutenberg when "Use Gutenberg for Page Building" is Off
Fixed page title spacing in non-iframe Gutenberg rendering instances
Fixed missing opacity control for textarea placeholder text in forms
Removed some unnecessary console log messages
Fixed a Breakdance conflict with the dashboard and structure panel
Fixed duplicate inputs appearing on some dashboard searches
October 1, 2024 - 3.0.15
Min-width media query recipes
Added tertiary color support to color recipes
Fix for a broken variable causing Gutenberg to lose styling
September 26, 2024 - v3.0.14
Internal: Added plugin detection for specific forms plugins
ACSS now loads in Breakdance the same as other builders
Form Fixes & Enhancements
Fixed an incompatibility issue with Lenis Smooth Scrolling
Fixed Gutenberg title and first paragraph spacing issue
September 13, 2024 - v3.0.13
Link Decoration Styles
Resolved font conflict involving the Outfit typeface
Fixed a discrepancy between the inputted shade hue and the displayed color value
Fixed an issue where pasting a HEX code caused incorrect hover calculation and prevented edits
Restored access to "Options > Bricks Enhancements" when using Bricks
Refactored and added test coverage for the dashboard loading logic
Enhanced dashboard loading compatibility with Breakdance
Corrected an issue where the range slider did not display the colors set in the dashboard
Fixed incorrect spacing of checkbox items when they are wrapped inside a fieldset
September 9, 2024 - v3.0.12
Fixed the dashboard crashes when saving after searching, or after minimizing.
[Experimental] Improved script loading to address CDN issues
Fixed dashboard icon showing up twice in Oxygen
Fixed global border color vars not displaying
August 15, 2024 - v3.0.9
Improved front-end data validation (Step 1 of 2)
Concentric Radius Recipe
License Activation Support for WordPress Studio
Automatically Exclude Header Images from Auto Radius
WP-Admin Top Link Now Takes Users to Front End
Fixed Bricks form checkbox label color on hover
Fixed form label padding
Fixed an issue with .grid--auto-rows causing items to stretch
Fixed an issue with .grid--auto-rows breaking auto grids
Fixed an issue with alt color partials not receiving dashboard updates
August 1, 2024 = v3.0.8
This update includes a bug fix related to saving your settings that’s not testable at scale. It’s recommended that you take database backup prior to updating.
Enhanced width options in context menus
Added 1px offset to @breakpoint-up mixin
Added tooltip to hover state icons next to inputs
Fixed the no-value/value issue on some inputs on upgrade from 2.x
Added radius--circle and --radius-circle back to context menus
Fixed an issue with auto-grid gaps in Oxygen Builder
July 25, 2024 - v3.0.7
Remove Deactivated Classes from Database (Bricks)
Added "Aggressiveness" Control for Auto Grids
Resolved conflict with Interactive Cursor Elements
Updated Auto Grid @recipe
Port "Lock Specific Selectors" value on upgrade
"Add radius automatically" is no longer on by default on upgrades from 2.x.
Deprecated warnings on update
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