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Astra Premium Starter Templates - Ready to Import Starter Website

Astra Premium Starter Templates - Ready to Import Starter Website v4.4.5

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v4.4.5 - 15-October-2024
- New:

- AI Builder: Implemented toasters to provide more detailed error information.
- AI Builder: Added source parameters to URLs redirecting to ZipWP for better tracking.
- Design Kit: Added source parameters to URLs redirecting to ZipWP for better tracking.
- Tweak: Refactored the NPS code by separating it into an independent NPS library.
- Improvement:
- Design Kit: Removed outdated options data that were previously left undeleted.
- Design Kit: Optimized server API call execution for better performance.
- Enhanced code quality and optimization for better performance and maintainability.
- Fix:
- Free Images: Fixed broken UI components for Elementor and Beaver Builder.
v4.4.4 - 07-October-2024
- Fix: Resolved issue where the selected page builder was resetting after a page refresh.
v4.4.3 - 30-September-2024
- New:
- AI Builder: Added functionality to save failed site creations and allow reimporting them.
- AI Builder: Displaying users ZipWP plan information.
- AI Builder: Displaying alert notice when AI site generation count is nearing its limit.
- AI Builder: Added an option to choose the type of store when the Ecommerce feature is selected.
- Design Kit: Introduced filter `ast_block_templates_exclude_post_types` to exclude asset loading for specified post types.
- Introduced eCommerce feature for classic templates along with some UI tweaks.
- NPS form now includes a back button for better usability and rating edits.
- Improvements:
- AI Builder: Resume Session popup will now restore the step where the user left off.
- AI Builder: Improved images upload process for better performance and user experience.
- AI Builder: Showing Premium template notice on customizer screen if user has free plan.
- AI Builder: Added a validation on Image upload to check if the image URL is valid.
- Design Kit: Added loading skeleton when uploading the images on AI onboarding.
- Design Kit: Added images validation on AI onboarding.

- Fix:
- AI Builder: Customizer 'Show site title' option was not applied correctly during site import.
- Design Kit: Resolved CSS conflicts with the WordPress core blocks.
- Design Kit: Fixed PHP warning when generating content.
- Design Kit: Content was not getting generated in the selected language.
- Images Library: Resolved issue where image search results reset to default after applying filters.
v4.4.2 - 03-September-2024
- New:

- AI Builder : Added a filter to update default website language.
- AI Builder : Added image replacement compatibility for archive product banner image.
- Added filter to disable the "Design Kit" library.
- Improvements:
- Design Kit: Enhanced API performance by optimizing execution times and reducing delays.
- Free Images : Enhanced UI for better user experience.
- Better database handling for the NPS.
- Fixes:
- Design Kit: Corrected styling issues for patterns/pages preview to ensure consistent display.
- Design Kit: Addressed CSS conflicts with SureCart blocks to prevent styling discrepancies.
- After import images were not getting replaced for classic Elementor templates.
v4.4.0 - 07-August-2024
- New:
- AI Builder: Enhanced onboarding UI.
- Design Kit: Enhanced personalized library steps UI.
- Improvements:
- Switched from using transient to option data for storing information.
- AI Builder: Enabled business descriptions to be generated in the selected language.
- Design Kit: Converted Spectra common stylesheet to a JSON file instead of an option variable.
- Design Kit: Hidden Update Image option until the user personalizes the library.
- Design Kit:Blocked block pages preview if import is in process.
- Fixes:
- Fixed issue where user input was not getting prefilled when switching between steps.
- Ensured required plugins for selected features are correctly installed.
- Resolved an issue where some classic editor templates were getting stuck during import.
- Fixed issue where the default logo was not getting replaced for classic templates.
- AI Builder: Removed the condition that showed the site limit exceed popup for all sites.
- Design Kit: Fixed issue where the Favorites functionality was not working in certain cases.
- Design Kit: Addressed problem where related block pages were not displaying in some scenarios.
- Design Kit: Fixed content regeneration for a category.
- Design Kit: Resolved visibility issue with the "Design Kit" button in WordPress 6.6 with the full site editor.
v4.3.9 - 25-July-2024
- Improvement: Improved the UI/UX.
- Improvement: AI Builder - Better error message handling.
- Improvement: AI Builder - Added new icon for the ecommerce feature.
- Improvement: Improved the way Starter Templates translate strings in the script.
- Fix: AI Builder - Fixed an issue where the template preview designs were showing ternary operation results as HTML.
- Fix: AI Builder - Required plugins data was incorrect on the Elementor templates screen.
- Fix: AI Builder - Social icons title was not translation-ready.
- Fix: AI Builder - Fixed an issue where the import process was failing after changing the site language.
- Fix: Resolved a fatal error encountered with the Ghost Kit plugin.
v4.3.8 - 16-July-2024
- New: AI Builder - Added script translation with a filter to update the text domain for script translation.
- Improvement: ZipAI - Added WordPress 6.6 compatibility.
- Improvement: Hardcoded index are made dynamic.
- Fix: AI Builder - Premium badge was not showing for Premium templates.
- Fix: Footer widgets was not getting imported for AI & Classic templates.
v4.3.7 - 09-July-2024
- New:

- Added NPS Survey.
- Improvements:
- Updated "What's New" library.
- Enhanced sidebar for classic editor to align with AI Builder.
- Updated pre-import screen for classic templates.
- Standardized text-domain to "astra-aites" for all libraries.
- Refreshed font pairs.
- Removed duplicate code.
- Fix:
- Upload logo and selected color pallete was not getting imported for FSE.
- Design Kit - Business category now pre-fills correctly during onboarding.
- AI Builder - Business name now resets after clicking "Start Over."
- AI Builder - "Resume Session" popup no longer appears after site creation.
- AI Builder - Business type now pre-fills correctly when site is created from ZipWP platform.
- AI Builder - Hover color for accent color is now a CSS variable.
- AI Builder - Correct icon now appears for the Contact Form feature.
v4.3.6 - 04-July-2024
- Fix: AI Builder - Resolved an issue preventing users from continuing to the next step if the business type input was entered manually.
- Fix: Design Kit - Resolved an issue where adding social media URLs caused an error when proceeding to the next step.
Introducing 15 New Premium Spectra Templates!

Baby Store
Painter Artist
Event Management
Wildlife Safari
Wine Bar and Restaurant
Beer Launch
Consultant Firm
Disc Jockey
Co-Working Space
Heritage Hotel
Cleaning Agency
Tanz Tech
Transportation Service
Check out our new templates! They look amazing and load super fast.
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