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Nulled Analytify Pro + Addons v5.2.1

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Analyze Pro WordPress Plugin

You know all about Google Analytics and love the data it provides, but wouldn't it be nice if there was a tool that made managing all that complex information simple?

You're lucky. The Analytify Pro WordPress plugin makes it easy!

Key Features of Analytify Pro WordPress Plugin

With over 2,00,000 downloads, Analytify Pro WordPress Plugin is the perfect solution for YOU. This is why savvy bloggers, shop owners, site managers, writers, and publishers love the Analytify Pro WordPress plugin, and so will you!

Statistics that make sense

Have you always wondered why Google Analytics is so difficult to understand? With so many options and reports, you are now cleaner and inside your WordPress dashboard.

Allows non-techies to understand your stats

Analytify Pro WordPress Plugin allows non-technical publishers who maintain areas of their site to see the traffic associated with their posts.

Page level analysis

Each post and page has its own metrics, which can be arranged on each post/page.

Custom Post Types

You have portfolio, gallery, testimonials and other custom post types. We track them very well and provide detailed statistics.

Social Media Statistics

Your site receives traffic from social networks, runs campaigns on Facebook, Twitter or others. The Analytify Pro WordPress plugin breaks down the number of visits for each social media brand.

Real time statistics

We have a dedicated real-time statistics dashboard that gives you details of every current visitor you have on your site. A beautiful graph and table help you identify your visitors live.

front-end reporting

You have users to whom you want to show the statistics of their listings. We have a bunch of stats for the front end. However, it will be cached for 24 hours.

short codes

You want to integrate statistics into your custom templates. With shortcodes, it is easier to use them in your templates.

Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking

You have an online store with WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads. You'll be able to see how many people clicked "add to cart", at what stage people are abandoning the cart, where they're coming from, how much money you're making from what, all of that data, just at a glance. We provide an effortless WordPress integration with Ecommerce's enhanced Google Analytics tracking.

Automated email reports

Each post and page has its own metrics, which can be arranged on each post/page.

Manage UTM campaigns

We customize the Google Analytics report in a way that makes sense to the WooCommerce store owner. It's the perfect marriage between WooCommerce and Google Analytics! You'll be able to see how many people clicked "add to cart", at what stage people are abandoning the cart, where they're coming from, how much money you're making from what, all of that data, just at a glance.

Track, analyze and optimize your content

The WordPress Analytify Pro plugin setup takes 60 seconds. What are you waiting for?

Get the WordPress Analytify Pro plugin now.
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