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Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro

Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro v7.4.2 [UNTOUCHED]

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7.1.0 (2024.06.17) - ASE Free and Pro

  • [IMPROVED in Pro] Utilities >> Email Delivery: added an option to enable logging of email deliveries. Props to Francois G. and Jonathan L. for suggesting this.
  • [IMPROVED in Pro] Log In | Log Out >> Login Page Customizer: added an option to hide the "Remember Me" checkbox. Props to Markus R. for the suggestion.
  • [FIXED in Free] Utilities >> Maintenance Mode: fix missing background image/pattern after update to v7.0.3. Props to
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    in detail.
  • [FIXED in Free] Security >> Email Address Obfuscator: fix obfuscated email address not properly inlined in certain scenarios, e.g. used inside Elementor Text Editor widget. Props to
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    with detailed explanation, screenshots and also proposing a working solution!... which was applied on this fix.
  • [FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager: fixed fatal error in a particular scenario involving the RWMB_Core class. Props to Kenneth S. for reporting the issue complete with the error log details.
  • [FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Menu Organizer: fixed an issue where JS error occurs when certain plugins uses a star icon in it's subemnu title.
  • [TRANSLATION]ASE is now translated into 17 languages:
    • Chinese (China): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to
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    • Portuguese (Brazil): ASE Free and ASE Pro (completed). Props to
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    • Hungarian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to
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    • Vietnamese: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to
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    • Italian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to
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      et. al.
    • Dutch: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to
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      Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
      et al.
    • Korean: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to
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    • German (Formal): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to
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      , Bastian S. et al.
    • French: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to
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      Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
      Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
      Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
      Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
      Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
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      et al.
    • Polish: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to
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      Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    • Norwegian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to
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    • Czech: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Jan S..
    • Portuguese (Portugal): ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to
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    • Ukrainian: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to
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    • Urdu: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to
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    • Swedish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to
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      Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    • Danish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to
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      Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
      Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    • Translation updates: added new/improved translation for:
      • ASE Free: Danish, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch, Swedish
      • ASE Pro: Chinese, Czech, Danish
    • More strings have been internationalized. @Translators, please visit the respective project pages for the Free and Pro versions to translate the new strings, if you havent' done so already.
    • Interested to help translate or improve the translation? Please go to
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      for more info.
### (2024.06.06) - ASE Free and Pro
* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Log In | Log Out >> Change Login URL**: fix attempt on an issue where frontend functionality breaks when this module is activated (since v7.0.2).
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), [@vanektomas](https://wordpress.org/support/users/vanektomas/) and (
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) for reporting the issue with some very helpful details.
### 6.9.10 (2024.04.30) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Disable Dashboard Widgets**: added an option to disable the Welcome to WordPress widget/panel. Props to [@tinnyfusion](https://wordpress.org/support/users/tinnyfusion/) for [suggesting this](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/feature-request-remove-welcome-panel/) and providing the snippet to base this on.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Show Custom Taxonomy Filters**: this has been disabled for ASE's Media Categories to prevent showing the filter twice on the list view of the media library.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Optimizations >> Image Upload Control**: WebP conversion now works on sites where the active editor for media handling is WP_Image_Editor_Imagick. Props to Konstantin T. for reporting the issue which prompted this improvement.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Field Groups**: remove irrelevant CPTs from ASE, WooCommerce and page builders from the field group's Placement >> Post Types drop down list, and sort the list alphabetically.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Menu Organizer**: when trying to hide a menu item with the "Always hide for user role(s) >> all roles except" option for a certain role, e.g. Administrator, it will not work correctly if a user has that certain role and another role (e.g. Web Designer), which can be assigned via the Utilities >> Multiple User Roles module. Previously, the menu item will also be hidden for users with multiple roles that includes that certain role. This release fixes that issue, i.e. a user with multiple roles will now see the correct behaviour. Props to Ingo R. for reporting the issue in detail and also posting the code fix!

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Field Groups**: fixed an issue in WYSIWYG field where inserting an image with caption will output the plain shortcode in the editor with the image placed within the shortcode. Props to Jacob O. for reporting the issue.

* **[FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Taxonomies**: fixed PHP warning in custom taxonomies list table.

* **[FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: fixed empty value being returned for ASE hyperlink field in certain scenarios.

* **[TRANSLATION]** ASE has now been translated into 12 languages:
* **Chinese (China)**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@bricksvip](https://profiles.wordpress.org/bricksvip/).
* **Portuguese (Brazil)**: ASE Free and ASE Pro (completed). Props to [Dennis F.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/dnn/).
* **Hungarian**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [R. József G.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/radicsjg/).
* **Vietnamese**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Hoang N.Q.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/nguyenquanghoang/).
* **Italian**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Fabio P.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/fabioperri/) et. al.
* **Dutch**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Toine R](https://profiles.wordpress.org/toineenzo/) and [Peter S.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/psmits1567/) et al.
* **Polish**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Dariusz Z.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/dariobros/).
* **Portuguese (Portugal)**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Ricardo C.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/madebyuh/).
* **Ukrainian**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Irina](https://profiles.wordpress.org/irinashl/).
* **Urdu**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Ayyaz A.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ayyazahmad/).
* **Swedish**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Robert M.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/robertmichalski/) and [Tor-Bjorn F.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/tobifjellner/).
* **Danish**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Morten E.L.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ellegaarddk/), [Helgi P.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/helgipetersen/) and [Kurt M.A.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/moskjaer/).

* **More strings** have been internationalized. Props to [@cooper08](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/missing-translations-notices-show-all-less/) and [Hoang N.Q.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/nguyenquanghoang/) for pointing them out. @Translators, please visit the respective project pages for the Free and Pro versions to translate the new strings.
* **Interested to help translate or improve the translation?** Please go to [https://translate.wpase.com](https://translate.wpase.com) for more info.
* Note: simply change the language in your user profile editing screen to see the translations in action.

6.9.3 (2024.03.12) – ASE Free and Pro

  • [IMPROVED in Pro] Utilities >> Maintenance Mode: enable WYSIWYG editor for heading and description, which allows for links, some custom HTML and custom styling if you need it. Also added ability to add custom CSS along with addition of a page overlay div element, which you can style to overlay the background image, e.g. make it darker or brighter to increase contrast with the maintenance message.
  • [IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Content Duplication: added duplication link in the publishing section of post edit screen, both in the classic editor and block editor. Also added an option to choose on which locations to show the duplication link: list view post action row / admin bar / edit screen publish section.
  • [FIXED in Free and Pro] ASE Settings: prevent JS error when iThemes Security Pro / Solid Security Pro plugin is active.
  • [FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Field Groups: fixed an issue where returning the value of a custom field inside a GenerateBlocks Query Loop returns an empty value after update to v6.9.1. Props to Arne O. for reporting the issue in details and patiently facilitating the troubleshooting process. This also fixed a similar issue with showing custom field values in Breakdance Post Loop Builder. Props to Philipp Z. for reporting it.
  • [CHANGED in Pro] Content Management >> AVIF Upload: remove link to avif.io, which is no longer online. This module will likely be removed once WP v6.5 is released and is widely adopted, as built-in AVIF support will be
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Download Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro v6.9.2 Nulled Free
v6.9.2 (2024.03.07) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[CHANGED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types**: custom field groups and options pages creation is now enabled by default when Custom Content Types module is enabled. Also updated module description and settings to reflect this.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Optimizations >> Image Upload Control**: added checks to prevent PHP fatal error and warnings when uploading non-image files and WebP conversion is enabled. Props to Peter J. for reporting the fatal error issue.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Security >> Limit Login Attemtps**: fixed an issue where under certain conditions, the login page would endlessly reload making it impossible to login. Props to [eangulus](https://wordpress.org/support/users/eangulus/), [andreawriessnegger](https://wordpress.org/support/users/andreawriessnegger/), [eangulus](https://wordpress.org/support/users/eangulus/), Max F. and Eric for reporting this patiently and in great detail in the wp.org [support forum](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/something-not-right-with-limit-login-attempts/) and via email. (2024.02.26) – ASE Pro

  • [FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Content Duplication: fixed a bug that can cause PHP warning or fatal error. Props to Benjamin P., Elon R., and Yoshihiro T. for reporting the issue immediately after the release of v6.9.0.
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